CVHAA Girls Volleyball program consists of teams at the middle school, junior varsity, and varsity levels. Our desire is to honor Christ through good sportsmanship, positive team building, and hard work. We are looking forward to a fun, competitive year with a full schedule of practices, games, and tournaments.
Join us for our 2019 Lady Patriots Volleyball season,
CONTACT US with questions through our facebook page(s). Go to FORMS to register.
Open Gym (for any interested players and current players): July 23rd, and 25th at RVC Stonbridge from 6-9 pm.
TRYOUTS will be on July 30th and August 1st with MS from 6-7:30 and JV/V from 7-9 pm at RVC Stonebridge
Weekly practices: Beginning August 6th, Tuesdays and Thursdays, MS 6-7:30 and JV/V 7-9:00 with location TBD
Home game locations: Carver and RVC Stonebridge
For more information please feel free to contact us through: